Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Im getting tired of being treated like a slave and having my living environment disturbed by all the outrageous powerplays and world domination struggles. I PAID RENT WITH MY OWN MONEY AND THAT ISN'T GROUNDS FOR YOU TO THINK I AM MAKING DEALS BY UTILIZING MY HOME ENVIRONMENT. IT ACTUALLY SHOULD TELL YOU THE EXACT OPPOSITE. YOU DO THIS TO ME EVERYTIME I GET MY OWN LIFE....YOU INCLUDE YOURSELF INTO SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T INCLUDE YOU BY TRYING TO FORCE ME INTO AN ALTERNATE SITUATION. FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS YOU'VE DONE THIS TO ME. IM SICK OF IT. IF YOU LOVE ME THEN GREAT, LET ME HAVE MY OWN LIFE AND REBUILD MYSELF AFTER ALL THE DESTRUCTION YOU'VE CAUSED. If not, then leave me alone. I deserve to have something normal. I slaved away without even anything to go on and in the end you have the nerve to be annoyed by me? You barely care that i made it through alive and most of the time you seem to be trying to punish me further for living through everything you did to me. I LOVED EVERYONE, have some respect. I have done everything known to mankind to prove to you that i loved and cared about you including sacrificing my entire existance for a decade. I never required this of you to love you so if you dont love me then fine, let me cut my losses and make a note to self to never put myself through that again for anyone that hasn't proven they actually deserve my time. Quit messing with my home environment. I am never going to be a criminal for having a place to dwell, pawn that shit off on someone else as it doesn't work with me anymore, you want people to think your a criminal for going to your own place of residence every night.? Im so alone that I wake up petrified from constant and without end abuse both mental and physical. Im tired of being in a constant state of flux so that you can approve of me. I dont give a shit if you approve of me any more, as most of you dont even care that i am a sobbing mess on the inside. You might not see the tears but they've caused a flood on the inside and I just dont have any more room for all of your "nooo's" said in an ultra soft tone while Im out of excuses for you existance in the first place. Can anything just be about me or are you going to continue to attach yourself to everything about me...shit, I've been invisible for a decade, nothing has been about me even when it was supposed to be. I LOVED YOU....ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING THAT i'VE DONE ALL I CAN DO AND YOU STILL HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY "NO" TO ME ABOUT THE MOST MINEWT THINGS THAT ARE SO EASY FOR YOU TO DEAL WITH. LACI RENEE ISSEL 11/13/12 2:06AM

This is an email I sent recently By the way, I dont mean to pry but I have had a similar experience but in the opposite manner. This guy that I would have loved to have been with was told that I wanted to have a sex change operation when no such thing was ever remotely close to being true. These people that keep destroying every possible chance of a normal life for me have gone so far as to tell people things like, Im a nunn, I am a lesbien, I am a criminal, I am a gang member (never in the history of the earth have I ever been even affiliated with a gang), they told people that I am a literal crack addict/drug addict, they have told potential friends and mates that I go around sleeping with people all the time and that I am a hooker, they have told people that I have venerial diseases, then when all that didn't deter someone from wanting to be my friend or wanting to be with me they told people I was a pedifile......None of these things have ever been true but as a result I have not had a boyfriend in eight years. I am a totally normal woman that is attractive and haven't had someone hold me in eight years or make love to me. I've had sex twice in four years due to all of the lies and obviously am all alone. I don't even masterbate anymore due to the constant intrusion and narratives in my life as well as the pedifilia accusations. I dont even know why I haven't killed myself yet. I guess I just keep hoping that someone will talk to me about these things rather than just believe everything they are told. Sincerely, Laci Renee Issel my life is ruined ALSO, THE HELICOPTER THAT WAS JUST HERE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD AT ABOUT 2:45 AM WAS CIRCLING AROUND THE WRONG HOUSE, AT LEAST THAT IS MY SUSPICION. MY GUESS IS THAT YOU WERE TRYING TO FIND THE PERSON WITH THE IP ADDRESS THAT YOU WERE ROUTED TO. YOU WERE IN THE RIGHT NEIGHBORHOOD, BUT ON THE WRONG STREET. i AM ONE STREET OVER FROM WHERE YOU WERE. ALTHOUGH IT COULD BE THAT YOU CIRCLED THE STREET i AM ON (i HEARD YOU ABOVE MY ROOM) AND THEN STARTED FLYING ABOVE THE OTHER HOUSE/STREET BEFORE YOU EVENTUALLY FLEW OFF TOWARD THE SMITHS AND THE ARCO STATION. THEY SCRAMBLE THE IP ADDRESSES ALL THE TIME SO THAT YOU ALWAYS THINK SOMEONE ELSE IS ME. THAT'S GREAT IF i HAVE ANOTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL ME, BUT NOT SO GREAT IF YOU ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO HELP ME AND END UP HELPING THE WRONG PERSON BASED ON THE IP ADDRESS BEING SCRAMBLED TO ANOTHER LOCATION, AS THE PEOPLE THAT i HAVE BEEN PLAGUED WITH HAVE NO CONSCIENCE AND WONT HESITATE TO MAKE THEMSELVES APPEAR WORTHY OF WHATEVER IT IS YOUR OFFERING WITHOUT ACTUALLY HAVING TO PUT IN THE TIME AND ENERGY OR ACTUALLY GO THROUGH REAL LIFE STRUGGLE. mY GUESS IS THAT THERE IS ANOTHER PERSON IN THE SAME NEIGHBORHOOD THAT THEY ARE PLANNING ON PASSING OFF AS ME WHICH WOULD AS USUAL NEGATE ME FROM GETTING ANY HELP WHICH IS WHAT THEY'VE BEEN DOING TO ME ALL THESE YEARS. i'VE MADE PEOPLE RICH AND CREATED SMALL FORTUNES FOR SOME OF THESE PEOPLE SIMPLY BY YOU THINKING SOMEONE ELSE IS ME ALL THE TIME. THEY KEEP ME HIDDEN SO THAT THEY CAN KEEP CONTROL OVER ME AND THEN YOU END UP EXHAULTING COMPLETE FRUADS THINKING THEY WERE THE ONES THAT WENT THROUGH WHAT I WENT THROUGH. iM NOT TRYING TO BE EXHAULTED , IM JUST TIRED AND RUNNING OUT OF HOPE THAT THINGS WILL EVER CHANGE. YOU JUST KEEP giving in to IT , AND THERE IS NOTHING i CAN DO TO HELP YOU since no one seems to believe me. MAYBE ONE DAY IT WILL WORK OUT BEFORE i GIVE UP COMPLETELY. BY THE WAY, I AM NOT WRITING IN ALL CAPITOL LETTERS APPOLOGIZING FOR MASS CHAOS AND HARM CAUSED BY ME AS i HAVE NEVER DONE SOMETHING TO HARM SOMEONE ON PURPOSE. THE HARM AND CHAOS WAS CAUSED BY THE PEOPLE THAT SPREAD AROUND WRONG INFORMATION ABOUT ME WHILE MISINTERPRETING MY AUTISTIC MIND AND NOTEBOOKS. i WAS ONLY WRITING IN CODE TRYING TO AVOID WRONG INFO GETTING OUT SINCE I'VE HAD MY THINGS STOLEN BEFORE. Laci Renee Issel 11/13/12 3:03am

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