Sunday, February 16, 2014

These are things that I randomly write while im on the search bar of google or other search engines at times and this is not on behalf of someone else, it's always been my writing.

why do you require me to be a pedifile and consistantly say that I am the recipient of funds (hundreds of dollars through out the week that is going somewhere but never to me as I don't get paid for any of the fucking effort I ever expend) i never recieve just to support my old high school friend as I had to take her name out of the blog for safety purposes???????????????? Why am i always having to accept a negative reputation to not even be included in the lives i care about the most. You act like there is something in it for me but if you take a closer look at what your asking you'll see that every person i try to love you expect me to carry around a massive burden constantly but never require them to diminish their lives, finances, entertainment, love, or anything at all just to have me not even be included in their lives at never stop asking me to hurt or add responsibility while you discreetely make their lives easier and easier. My life just keeps getting worse and worse and you've taken so much away from me that there is literally nothing left of me at all....writen by the real Laci Issel with inverted nipples and a suture scar on my toe (wont tell you which one for fear that you'll just try to fucking recreate it on a god damn fraud like you always do-remember putting the skinny fraud version of me through an actual surgery to try and recreate my diagonal scar over my eyebrow asshole) Im not jealous or drunk. Im sick of history and the present being rerouted to suit someones fucking greed. Jealousy is a trait that people have that have been allowed to have a somewhat normal existance and then they just one day dont get their way. I don't have anything that remotely resembles that kind of reality, I live on borrowed time every fucking day due to the extent of all the lies told to get someone that has always had a gazillion times more than me,"additional" notariety, opportunities, resources, love, affection, a bigger house a nicer car, what ever the fuck frivilous shit....Im lucky to get through the day unscathed by physical abuse. I never get through any day at all without being threatened for the sake of someone else and you pollute my existance with proving to you whether or not Im jealous. Jealousy is a luxery that I have never had because Im actually too busy going through real life shit that i didn't create for myself but that was created for me with intentention of destroying me and despite the fact that i'd love to give up, something inside me doesn't let me and that is the real curse that I live with everyday of my life no matter how you try to add to it, I literally don't know how to give up. You stick to your petty worries about who's jealous of who and I'll try to find a way to end the massive suffering that's been placed on me and the constant stress you've had circulating through my beyond fucking tired body and soul for the last eleven years. Writen by the real Laci Issel (the one with inverted nipples, and a suture scar on the underside of my toe).......and remember ......Im forced to keep walking around on this planet when I was done a long time ago with absolutely nothing to look forward to ever....nothing......because you take everything away from me and give it to another.......I've been tired for so long but your not done milking me and trying to pawn all your hideous rediculous actions off as my fault so I just linger and hang by a thread alive, but barely breathing......
And right about now is when they show you a video of some woman being fisted in the vagina (my guess is with an image of my face super imposed on whatever woman is having this done and this is my "punishment" as I am not allowed the things they are allowed, such as the right to defend myself or the right to have my own feelings about the dirty underhanded tactics that they pull to get their way because ultimately they really are so insecure about the world finding out the fucking orchestrations they've been pulling off for the last year as so fucking bogus that the world would basically hold them in contempt of everything reasonable on the earth that they continue to "punish" me directly after using the hell out of me for some other super rich asshole that already has everything he could ever want on earth.----oh and brace yourself the next tactic they will attempt is to show you illeagally taken video tape footage from seventeen years ago of me and my ex-boyfriend Jacob's kinky sex where we were role playing in bed because we were sexually fucking insane with each other and they like to drag that video out all the time to try and humiliate me and my ex and my father because they wanted it to look like I was talking about my father when we were not referring to my actual father at all but see they've gotten so much mileage from this that they don't ever actually give me a chance to tell you my side of things because everything is geared in their favor.....they show a video, take it out of context and then don't bother giving me an opportunity to tell you what was really going on........What was really going on back then is that I was with my ex for close to six years and I trusted him with my body and my sex life and we were both young horney and willing to fucking explore whatever the fuck came our way that we felt comfortable with. He was practically my husband and Im sick of you being made to think that I am some sort of freak of nature for participating in my own sexual revolution......I have never made someone feel unwelcome or put them on trial for things they did in there past, let alone for seventeen years straight asshole!!!!!!!! Laci Issel (the real one with inverted nipples)

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