Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This is a picture of the real me.......ive had to leave two states already to try and get some solace and peace away from stalkers that mistake my presence on this earth as a mealticket.....im beyond not happy being stalked from place to place when im eight months pregnant and literally trying to establish a life of some sort before I end up giving birth. im not gonna stay in the state that im currently in tonight because I had planned a destination this morning but had to stop for the day due to being way to tired and pregnant to keep going, but while stopping at a hotel was tipped off that another female plans on stalking me to the destination I had thought for sure no one would think to go to because I am ultimately seriously attempting to build some sort of life for this baby and she keeps intruding into everything I do. she wont back off me or my life and doesnt seem to get the hint when I leave one location to get away from her.....Its like she assumes its some sort of open invitation to compete when im not doing this to compete. Im only ending up where I end up in a desparate attempt to get away from unwanted people in my life that never stop treating me like they have some right to be in my life to abuse me, as if they have the right to give me ultimatums, and treat me like im on this planet to be devoted to their causes and all while im trying to establish stability for my unborn child!!!!!! Someone put me in a hotel room tonight, of which I am extremely greatful and I thank him profusely (hes a man that has been married over forty years that seems to have a great family and a great heart. This kind of occurrance is rare though as I always pay for everything on my own but am exhausted carrying the gender role of a man when im a woman so this time I agreed to allow a man to step in and help me financially when it came to an inexpensive hotel room.....my point is this.......how come im the only one that seems to see a problem with the fact that I have been unable to secure a life for myself in any of the locations I have tried to build a life without some stranger (whether it be a woman or a man) coming along and deciding that my life is up for competion? Notice how its always my life that gets put on the aquisitions table as you never hear about me trying to "compete" for someone elses life because I just wanted what came from me and my own efforts. Im sick of this being something that is acceptable to everyone. I literally cannot go anywhere without a group of people thinking that its some sort of game and anything that I had planned on for me and the baby's life just gets thrown out the window for a group of people I asked repeatedly to just leave me alone....but they won't....never do they just leave me alone to rebuild my life after the shambles its been in since they started treating me like their personal gold rush.....im tired of them, it isnt a game to me and an entire eight months of pregnancy has been wasted and stressed to the depths of despair because they wouldnt stop leaching from my life, calling my unborn child a joke, treating me like my every action was to land and date a man that I wasnt even trying to get and not allowing me to work a job w/out ruining it and convincng my employers to fire me because they said I was a groupie......now, the only thing I had left is once again ruined because she found out where I was going and I only have about 6 weeks left nefore I give birth to an unborn child that has had the most stressed out development known to mankind. im angry, I dont take makng a baby lightly and im tired of being run into the ground because some person wants to score off my life.

Laci Issel (im starting to just completely give up thinking that I can ever have a normal life)

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