Monday, September 23, 2013

I dont use sex to "make payments" you must have me confused, as usual, with someone, eight weeks pregnant and wont be sleeping with anyone at all as the thought grosses me out based on the fact that im not with the father currently and he is the only person I would consider having sex with while pregnant, below is an email I sent five hours ago......laci issel. lac

Laci Isselto Brian5 hours ago, In two states at once is all I can tell u.  No one still has any actual concern for me and as I face my own mortality, I was just informed that on top of the cruelty ive already endured that I will be forcd to die alone with no one at all to see, before I dont see this earth any actually trying to forget all this (hence the word vacation) but obviously my change of location only changed the scenery in which another misinformed population is located and harasses me in.  Other than that its been another two days full of demands and ultimatums by people that haven't done anything other than create hardship in my life but portray themselves as if they've been giving me money, as if they've paid for lodging, as if they offered moral or emotional support EVER, as if they've helped with transportation, as if they havent bitched about me every step of the way while I was making them millions and all they offered was pain, anguish, hatred and suffering.I cannot believe the gall these people have when I didnt invite them into my life in the first place.And you?Laci Issel

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