Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My son is born and now they use him to continue their cruel game

Im pretty much furious. My son is here and in bad shape, he cant breathe on his own and Im dealing with assholes using me and him to play their cruel games again. He's fighting for his life and they are using him as a weapon against me. They are accusing me of wanting 2 again, being okay (for which they threaten the health and well being of my little boy), and still demanding time for a crime that didn't happen and is a double standard (one of many crimes) I have weird police games going on, the super illustrious law firm that has stood by while I continually get abused and used is here (but not to help me), I still have arrowhead mental health stalking me, and again dirty cops and sherriffs threatening me, gangsters trying to cash in and everyone lying about everything that has anything to do with me, buddha, and the truth. I was told that I was lying about truths Ive been speaking of for centuries. The whole thing makes me ill.
My little beautiful boy, paralyzed and cant breath on his own and these selfish asses still expect me to jump through hoops to play a game while Im in tears worrying if he will live or die because his condition is severe and uncertain. Still they lie and accuse me of being "wet" around my own kid and certain individuals that have certain physical features. They are still lying about everything. Im trying to have a normal existance with just me and my little boy and they are still making it all about them and their dumb ass celebrity "members only" game. My kid cant breath and they are still trying to crown "elite" based on my actions or lack of action. Im so sick of this constant expectation of making me compete for my own life-its twisted. My son isn't some sort of prize to be won and no matter what he doesn't belong to you and never will. I hope all of these people that are facilitating this game while I am trying to attend to my son, rot in hell.
All of them......even if there isn't an actual hell, I hope all of them find themselves in some sort of equivalent.....all of them.
Gangsters think I am competing to be some sort of side dish---no thanks, and brittish people trying to "set me up", spanish people threatening me for visiting my own child, african american people (not all of them but a select game playing group) trying to say that I am racist (Im not but have strange word associations because of my autism that are impossible to explain to people that dont deal with autism), white people so evil that, even with all that I've been through and have been exposed to, continually amaze even me with their cruelty, and what seems like everyone trying to get me to give them "time". Im starting to wonder if anyone is on my side as I am put under a microscope and analyzed while my son is laying in an incubator fighting for his life. They are using him now against me and that is going way to far.
He's been through hell in 24 hours and they still use him in their horrifying game. Sometimes I just want to scream.
Leave me and my kid alone, play your game somewhere else and if you keep saying "okay" to me I might just forget my manners and spit on you, because your kind of people use peoples personalities as a means to torment, hurt and punish threaten me for being "okay" when I dont even know what the hell you are talking about. this isn't about your dumb ass game, this is about my son. I am here and everything that happens here is about selfish ass.

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