"B" thinks that he or she is in control of my life probably because of repeated sabbotage.
Im being accused of being "manipulative" for trying to spend as much time with my ailing 5 day old son who has a 62% chance of dying. What kind of monster is STILL trying to make an innocent woman look bad as she stands next to her world (her son) hoping that he will live and trying to be there as much as possible not to mention try to keep him as comfortable as possible when he has tubes sticking out of every possible vein and lays there paralyzed.
What kind of asshole finds a problem with a mom trying to be there for her kid.
"B" has also accused me of being "dangerous". What the fuck are you talking about? Im too busy worrying about my child to be dangerous.
You "B", at this point are the slimyest of slime I have ever had the misfortune of having to be exposed to not to mention the most SELFISH PERSON I have ever met in my life to use my son and his ailment as a step up in you fame. I'd love for you to accuse me of this stuff to my face like a "real" person. You fucking coward.
All your sabotage, all your self righteousness, all you set-ups to continuously attack a girl with autism makes you the most m0nstrous thing I have ever met.
Not only that but now the accusation that "parents" supposedly think that I am "crazy" when if they were listening to the right person (obviously they are tuned in to the wrong person) they would never arrive at that conclusion.
You are a fucking monster for what you have done to my life and talk about insecure.....your so insecure that people wont think your a hero that you continuously have to lie about an innocent girl (me) and constantly attack and accuse me of various things in order to make yourself look good. Why cant you rely on your own personality to make these people adore you. You trash me to look good which means that with out me you aint shit. Maybe I would change my opinion of you if you could do something decent in life without hurting me.
Rot in hell for all your carefully concocted plots that are sure to catch up with you, you using sack of shit. Rot in hell.
You feed off innocent people, me and my child your latest victims.
Now I am being accused of being some sort of sex offender of course to make yourself look good and as usual its not true.