I have people telling me to get a job when I am 2 weeks away from my due date and about to give birth. Greg Franklin wont stop harassing me, not to mention a Sherriff that has broken every law on the planet to follow me across the country (stalking me) from Alabama named Sherriff Flowers.
Flowers has falsely accused me of some random crime and him and his posse are trying to make "deals" with someone to try and get himself off the hook for what he allowed to happen to me in Alabama.
I was arrested for nothing and held in jail while corrections officers told me that the other inmates (full on criminals) were allowed to do what ever they wanted to me because rumor had it that I was some sort of whore. They proceeded to allow these people to beat the crap out of me with no intervention what so ever, video taped it and it is now on you tube. They now want me to go to jail to cover up what they did to me and take away any responsibility for their illegal activity of assault, false imprisonment, and taking and showing video footage without consent. They are now here in Sonoma County.
Lovely, my home town invaded by a bunch of dirty fucking scum that has no right to have any access to me what so ever considering I have been telling the truth the entire time.
I must reiterate here that I have been falsely accused of being a sex offender when i have only had sex twice in 3 years with full grown adults, accused of murder (again for a crime I have no knowledge of) and accused of theft so they can try to arrest me to clear their own bad names and get themselves off the hook. None of these things happened.
I keep calling the DA"S office begging for help with all the stalking but it is really starting to feel with the lack of protection and foreign entities trying to make it look like I am crazy for reporting the extensive and without end stalking and harassment that I am enduring that Im stuck dealing with large groups of dirty cops and gangsters running my life on the streets. I guess you only get protection if you have money. These stalking fucks are trying to get me committed so that they can have access to my child. So they go around terrorizing me and threatening me all day until I lose my temper and then I look like a crazy lady.
Im pregnant and cant handle all the stress of not being able to go to a shelter(because they are there), having no sanity on the streets because of their constant presence and trying to deal with a baby kicking me and everyone thinking that they have the right to try and control the life of an innocent girl that didn't invite them into her life.
I haven't been allowed normal civil rights because of a bunch of criminals that have terrorized me, Im being systematically killed outside while they play their game and use me as their "race car" as they put it.
I have a gangster named "Chewy" a two bit piece of shit named Paul (alias of guitar hero), two different sherriffs departments following me around demanding jail time to make themselves look good (get themselves off the hook for the senseless beatings that I took, and no, I wasn't resisting arrest-thats just what they tell you to try to justify their treatment of how they treat anyone they consider a "whore" (it shouldn't matter in the first place but Ill say it again...Ive had intercourse twice in 3 years). Greg Franklin, stalking me, Bobby Sorry using me to make himself famous and as his "race car", My uncle ED accusing me of various strange things based on my geographic location and all but ED has now moved to my county, where I grew up and the only place that was supposed to be my safeplace in all of the united states. Not to mention at least 5 different celebrities that have developed a cruel facination with my suffering and have taken turns threatening me if I dont give the baby up for adoption--they think they have the right to come in and take someones baby that doesn't belong to them because they have money. They legally cant do it and that is why the constant abuse so that I look crazy and they can try and get me committed.
It sure feels like the truth is no one every had any intention of allowing me to thrive and prosper. Hence all my income and accomplishments stolen and handed over to someone they used me for. It never ends.
Some of these people so selfish that they expect that with no home and no place to retreat to during constant attacks, 9 months pregnant and malnourished and eating out of cans If Im lucky, Im now supposed to worry about someones hands (which of course I worry about) but am rendered unable to make a difference in this issue because even when I try I get set up to fail.
It doesn't matter anyway, pretty much everyone treats me like I am her to service them or something, its like I dont exist on my own but for their own benefit.
Ive gotten confirmation of two things. The first....when speaking of my ongoing hope to be relocated away from all the trauma and selfishness after 6 years of ongoing abuse that never ends this is what I was told by the lady in the black "St. Martin" tank top...her words were "thats not going to ever happen" I knew that me and my life being destroyed was a collaborative effort but I had no idea that no one had any intention of allowing me to rise above it. Its always lying dishonest cheats that seem to prosper in the world. (I have to say that although I am straight laced I have no intention of ever being a "saint" because I dont believe in hurting people that have different lifestyles as me even people that are dishonest. I believe in everyones right to live their life in the manner that they see fit (i'd appreciate it though if you weren't hurting me on purpose to begin with.)
The second thing I received confirmation of was that they really expect me to be homeless another year of my life. This is the rediculous deal they keep trying to give me. Basically its a bondage deal, slavery to a different owner for the duration of a year. Only problem is that now that i have been dealing with lazy ass people that just want someone to do all their work for them now for the last 6 years, I recognize the fact that this supposed deal, is really one sided and gives absolutely no benefit to me at all. Not to mention that at the end of the year I'll have yet another person trying to bully me into another year...no where is the word freedom used. This has been going on for 6 years, someone always wanting another year of something for nothin. ----Told you no one has any intention of actually helping me at all.
Its really kind of sick how this is happening to a pretty much normal happy-go-lucky-girl that just wants to raise her baby and get paid for her own accomplishments.
As usual went to walk down the street and as usual vehicles staked out everywhere and have to deal with punks that think they are pimps telling me to suck them off and get a job. This coming from a mamas boy thats never had to rough it without a vehicle, a home or his mom washing all his nice duds that he changes into everyday. As I proceed to tell the "man child" not to bother waiting for me to round the corner before he starts up his vehicle (basically not to be so f-ing obvious) I notice that I am right in front of the windsor fire department. I must note... Im really getting tired of the 20 something pimp crowd that not only has a lot of growing up to do but could use a lesson in how to treat someone that is 11 years their senior-they dont even realize how moronic it is for a 20 year old nothing to be trying to pimp an adult 34 year old woman. I can assure you that with all the people I have met over the last 6 years that if I wanted "escorting" to be my profession that you would not be my representative as I am from the bay area where women get paid to intellectualize with bright intelligent men as they get wined and dined with absolutely no "sucking off" involved. Where Im from, if I wanted to associate myself with a couple different men during the week, not only would I not even have to have sex but would be treated with the utmost respect as a woman AND get paid. They have class there, something these 20 year old "Pimps" as they see themselves, dont know the first thing about. I can assure you that I wouldn't be taking your sort of half ass disease infested clientelle over an intellectual base of men that are just very busy and and sometimes need a woman to accompany them on various engagements.
Anyway back to the Windsor Fire Department. Right after I deal with the man child I look up and notice that an attractive blond man is standing within the clear fire department door and grabbing his crotch and holding it as he sports his fire department duds, right in front of me. This from a supposed respected city service worker that is supposed to save peoples lives but apparently mine is worth nothing unless I give him a blow job. I'd like to hear him explain to his captain why he failed to rescue a woman from a burning building, because she wasn't willing to blow him so in his opinion she wasn't worth saving. Another good looking piece of shit in disguise of someone that the public looks to try to help them.
The disrespect I endure is beyond me.
That brings me to the stalking gangsters that are going around doing really horrible things to people and their property and trying to make it look like it was me. They are lying to the public and trying to make it look like I am destroying property. I cant keep up with this. I know its gangster though because who else would spend their time that way. The only people that I know that have gang affiliations are Dan, Tara, and Chewy (I technically dont even know chewy I just know of him.) And I get threatened often by the spanish population, not all (there are some very loving spanish people that have great intentions) but there is also a group of mexican people trying to destroy me and use and abuse me. They have used my writing and misfortunes to aid the rise of a spanish girl that now they threaten my feet for. She has now married some rich man thanks to my insights and been relocated and the illusion was provided to certain individuals of her moral deservance of protection by authorities (even though she was using me the entire time). Thats okay though, its not the first girl Ive been used for.
I even had a strange mexican man tell a business owner the other day that he was the father of my baby---I had never seen this man in all my life. This action alone is not limited to mexican men, men of all races have tryed to claim that they are the father of this baby, people Ive never met nor have I ever slept with, Paul the guitar hero stalker, tried this one also and he knows he never slept with me.
This is why I was trying to get my god family or the dougherty's to help me. All of this nonsense is why I decided to live in Sonoma County again. I was needing the love and support of my past alliances because I want away from these people so bad. These people that have been stalking me are nothing like the ones that I grew up with. They lie about everything and have no morals what so ever. They are slimey. They even lied the other day and said that I ate a donut when I didn't, they do whatever they can to "win" and since most of them (even the sherriffs) are dirty two bit criminals with no conscience what so ever that means that I deal with a bunch of fabricated problems everyday. I want them out of my life they are clouding it with unnecessary drama and I didn't invite them into my world so I would appreciate it if they would "see" their way out of it.
That brings me to the whole "doing" issue. I am constantly accused of "doing" all the time The people that accuse go out of their way, lie their asses off, cheat and steal in order to make me look like I am "doing". They command dogs to bark at certain times, using commands and high pitched frequencies, when I am around children, and they tell me that I am "doing" if I am sitting on the ground. They set it up in every possible way to make it look like I am sexually attracted to certain types of people, even children. I wish I had a bullet for everyone of these time wasting sickos in life. They seem to have no life or projects to work on without me. To them they think that they are acheiving total and complete anihilation of my life, which seems to be their goal (bad parenting rears its ugly head), but to me they are just a bunch of community morons that someone taught a few tricks to, that look so f-ing dumb orchestrating these events. The word "smooth" cannot be attatched to these people or fabricated events and you can tell that they are all participating because some half informed dumb ass told them a couple of secrets after bugging me, and now they are trying their luck at the "game". I told one person a while ago about in a certain circle of people, putting your hands on your hips silently indicates whether the person in question, being judged, is guilty of what ever offense they are accusing of. Over the past month, regular people that have never traveled about the country, are using this technique to try and induce guilt into a situation of orchestrated events designed to make me look guilty. My own community doesn't even know that i taught them that, and they are trying to use it against me, the girl that arrived home for support. Its almost sickening to watch. I wish I would have never said anything at all about it. From now on I'm going to be extra careful about saying anything in conversation to someone that could possibly misinterpret and misuse valuable information from private sectors accross the country.
Ive got people threatening my life and everything in it based on this mind f - - - of a game they play. Im suddenly guilty or innocent based on what, when or where I am at the moment and time. What store I go into will suddenly shift the balance of whether or not I am supposed to have my hand cut off (how morbid and rediculous). What city in the county that i decide to spend my day in also a factor as to whether or not I am some sort of terrorist (which I have never been) yet everyone else supposedly has the right to travel about the county at their leisure and without explanation like normal people and are allowed to live their lives. Im mentally or unmentally stable based on what foods I eat. The rediculousness never ceases.
Then I have people trying to get me lynched or killed that tell people that I think that i am a "princess". They say that I think that I am a princess because I walk from place to place. Why do I walk from place to place? Because I have no vehicle. I dont think I am a princess, as a matter of fact in my blogsite, I specifically indicated that I am a US Citizen that has fought like hell for survival in this country, to the point where I should be carrying around arrows (not to be confused with "Arrowhead" titled anything) and olive branches. This is the kind of set up that i am referring to that is designed to get me harassed and badgered. Not only that but it trips me out when people try to bow to me. Even if I was a princess, I would never allow people to bow to me, everyone would be on equal footing, and I would never let someone "serve" me, unless they were a waitress and I could tip them. They bow to me to see what my reaction will be, to test me but I never respond because I just think that it is creepy. They lied to everyone and told them that I thought I was a princess and have marines all pissed off trying to teach me a "lesson" by threatening me with a terrorist brig. All this is happening to me based on heresay, not actual facts, rediculous. I have no room to breath at all on this planet, someone is always trying to get me locked up, beaten or harassed.
I even found out yesterday that they plan on beating me again for things they never even asked me about, just told people I was guilty of and they are all competing for the rights over who gets to do it and who gets the rights to the illegal video the plan on shooting. How aweful it is to be me, its one attack after another by a bunch of ignorant people that get off on hurting an innocent girl. How do you plan to beat someone without so much as to even ask them if what they heard about the individual is true to begin with.
But the above sentence does prove that both beatings I received from both entities (the criminals in Alabama, and the Sherriffs department in Marin) were premeditated and that the false imprisonment was planned ahead of time in order to accomplish this goal. This would explain the handful of arrests that I was placed under, by dirty cops, for made up reasons that didn't exist in the first place. Someone along the line decided that they didn't like me and just wanted the ability to beat me, humiliate me, falsly imprison me, and cash in on the video.
This would also explain my arrest in Santa Ana California where I was dragged to a supposed tresspassing location from a block away, placed at the property in question and arrested for resisting arrest and tresspassing. I was never tresspassing, I was at a public gas station trying to get something to drink when this happened. On the way, as I was being dragged, the supposed "officer" was hurting me so bad that when I attempted to defend myself I was accused of assaulting the officer...how convenient. It is this experience that I never recieved my property back from which was a back pack full of poems (@ least 25-30 of them) that were stolen from dirty cops and given to a group of gangsters that submitted one of them to an MTV contest in which they were going to make a song out of it. My poem, I found out, won first place in the nationwide contest and was turned into a song that someone has been collecting royalties on for the last 4 years now and some rotten crook is getting paid for. All while I have been enduring all this abuse on the street for the past years.
One other incident of false arrest happened in indiana about 4 years ago, right before the poems that I speak of were written, that if you ask me about I can explain but the jist is that again someone wanted to hurt me, I got arrested per their plan, beaten and falsly imprisoned, not to mention kept from a normal court preceeding for a period of 81 days.
Now I have the marin Sherriffs department here in Santa Rosa trying to justify their beating that they gave me 2 1/2 years ago. This beating I know for certain was broadcast on You Tube just like all the others. I heard that my God sister, Jacqueline, laughed at when she saw it. Every beating its evident that I am being forcibly beat and it is obvious that it isn't a joke. I'd like to know one thing, What the hell did I ever do to Jacqueline that would make her laugh at my physical and mental pain? Ive never done anything but love that girl and she was the last person on this earth that I would have expected that from, still I was willing to forgive her.
Jacqueline is no dummy and she KNOWS the truth and that I have been telling the truth the entire 6 years that I have been rendered totally resourceless and abused. Would she laugh if it were her or Miles in my situation? I seriously doubt it as they think that their lives are worth considerably more than mine yet them and their associations spend all of their time covering up everything I ever accomplish that is of a world wide nature and redirect to some other privilaged jerk thats never been forced to sleep with out a blanket or threatened for trying to nourish a pregnancy. I have always loved these children but am a little miffed at how they could ever laugh at someones misfortune. I loved these two with all my heart. Did they laugh at all my misfortunes, my entire life behind my back? Did I waste my energy on people that had no ounce of love for me?
Well at least I am no longer fooled, but was hoping that they would respect the fact they they had been found out and extend an offer of truce and even possibly have respect for my ability to stay alive amist all the torment. But right now I have to admit I feel like they deserve an academy award for pretending to love me my whole life...but still...I am willing to forgive.
My never ending extension of an olive branch is usually repaid with additional suffering and infliction----hence the beating that is currently being premeditated which also means that someone plans on arresting me for no reason again, or trying to invent a reason. But I bet you that I will get nothing resembling the respect I deserve for being up against wealthy people with all the resources known to man that couldn't even bring one "peasant" girl down (as they consider me). For six years I had NOTHING BUT HONESTY TO WORK WITH.
How pathetic. Everyone I have ever loved, in on it. My best friends, family, and close associations. But no one seemed to have a problem using me.
Isn't it amazing how all these people never had to lift a finger in order to hurt me yet somehow view themselves superior to someone that conquored death, starvation, dehydration, lonliness, lynchings, abandonment, full on attacks of every kind, extreme heat and cold (got frost bite on my toes that is reactivated everytime the temperature drops below a certain point because of nerve damage), constant and FORCED travel for 6 years, stalking, 2 heart attacks, kidney failure, intentional humiliation tactics, attempted organ extraction with a dull knife and a cooler on the streets of southern California, being forced to remain dirty and unclean with smelly clothes for days, weeks and even a month one time, multiple beatings and unheard of abuses by people that I LOVED, constant SABOTAGE, multiple kidnappings and rapes, countless days where I couldn't do anything but wait, outside in an undisclosed location, for their terror attacks to cease (all their games) watching my life trickle past me unlived, and the agony of never moving forward, nothing ever changing, and their use of my discoveries and findings during this time period to aid their already posh existance.
You dont think that I might be slightly miffed, peeved, irritated, out of tolerance for selfish people that dont know the first thing about how hard life can really be?
The hardest person that I have had to accept that has had a part in this abusive saga is Kendall. I loved this girl with all my heart and not in a lesbien sense. I was so humble in my viewpoint of her that because of her "friendship" with me and how much it meant to me, I had already decided that her life was of more importance than mine many, many, many years ago. Why? Because she had people in her life that really loved her, not to mention was smart in ways that I wasn't and held down a very respectable and prestigious position in her career at a young age. I decided long ago that if it ever came down to her life or mine, I would gladly sacrifice my existance so that she could continue hers. Why? Because I had NOTHING. Everywhere I looked in my life was barren. She was (and my god parents) all I had on earth. I made this promise naievely before I knew how she really felt about me. She apparently has always not liked me but had me as friend for some other control purpose. I feel so dumb again.
Kendall is now the newest representative of Eminem (the entertainer). First of all if what Eminem says in his songs is true, at least for a portion of his life, he had it rough and had challenges beyond the norm or what he felt like dealing with, thrown at him. At least he had to pull through SOME circumstances that weren't just mental depression. (Mental Depression a vacation compared to premeditated sabotage and inflicted trauma---I wish I only had depression to worry about rather than what feels like an entire nation trying to destroy an innocent girl) How on earth do you name someone a representative of Eminem that has never even been on their last legs and not even once in their life. No offense but Kendall doesn't even know the meaning of misfortune, let alone physical discomfort (with the exception of Kidney stones periodically). How the hell does someone that didn't change their life remotely, except to move from one place to another (full monetary compensation and resources part of the deal) a couple of times in life, get the title of someone from a low income background that had to at least fight to make it.
Im perplexed. I myself dont need the title of Eminem because I dont even think hes seen the kind of hardship that I have. My pregnancy alone would have had both of them on their knees by the 4th month and that isn't me trying to be cocky. I say that in the most respectful humble way because people were stalking me mercilessly and I had no form of transportation was stuck in a war zone and was unable to eat and drink during morning sickness, and was forced to hitchhike constantly to keep my baby safe from the same creepy assholes that I cant get out of my life to this day.
I appologize slightly for being so harsh but to Kendall and everyone else....Its real easy to accomplish things when you have credit cards, money, and a network of people that will lie, cheat and steal to keep you above ground. Try it with NOTHING.
I've got people trying to get me committed and I have heard that Kendall has tried her luck with this also. Can you imagine how I must feel?
I have my good days where I miss her with every fiber in my being. Craving the good times and the laughter not to mention most of our common interests are in line with each other. But the bad days, I look down at my battle wounds and know that there is at least one (being very generous for her sake) from her there, inflicted intentionally. I was willing to trade me and my existance for her flourishment if it ever came down to it. Can you imagine how I must feel?
She's not the only one....every relative, every "friend", everyone I have ever trusted or ever adored, used me, tormented me, and cashed in on me---oh and then took turns broadcasting it.
I still forgive them but forgetting is a harder task. The audacity is what I am having a hard time with. They are blaming their greedy actions on me and trying to insinuate that I burnt a bridge and that is why all these people have behaved in this manor. All these aweful things were done to me and then they tried to make it look like I deserved it. No one deserves to be almost killed repeatedly and for sport and then when I try to get help officials told to ignore me. Yet if it were anyone of the group I previously mentioned they would have received help. I called 911 yesterday and no one responded. That pretty much sums up the last 6 years. Rape after rape, kidnapping after kidnapping, beating after beating, terror attacks of every kind on me and with all the pleas for help to family, friends and authorities....no one responded... except out of their own greed.( the exception being some decent strangers along the way who obviously weren't informed of the over all attempt to kill me slowly and over a period of time).
And to think after everything I have already been through, a race war over whether or not I should have to "feel" when they finally decide to kill me. Fucking Amazing!!!! I appologize for being so crass but there is no other way to say it. Oh and for a crime I had no knowledge of.
I was told this....
To be a part of Kendall's life I have to accept the title of sex offender and everyone assumes that I am somehow attracted to children (of course untrue), not to mention have my orgasms regulated even if I am alone having them. Again, Ive had sex twice in 3 years and both times with adults.
To be a part of April's life I have to go to jail for a theft that never happened.
To be a part of Tara's life I take on the title of murderer (of course also untrue)
I have litterally hundreds of scars on my body that are all new in the last 6 years from being subjected to third world country poverty, abuse and neglect. At least 100 on my feet alone from being forced to reside outside while being eaten alive by ants and mosquitos. Im disfigured, my heart works overtime to keep my pulse going and Ive still got people like you that conveniently lie to the mass populus telling them things that are untrue and planning your next assault with such glee that you are probably taking bids on a beating video that isn't even made yet.
Oh and now some crazy group of people thinks that they will be performing surgery on me in October. They plan on "fixing" me as they put it. Like a dog. Ive had sex twice in 3 years and they want to fix me.
Again, I still have no worth yet my writing and experiences are world famous but I bet "Annie" and "B" are having a great day thanks to my 6 years of suffering and Kendall is probably getting a pedicure. Not to be rude but can you imagine how I must feel?
YOU TRULY ARE A COWARD. Dont be hurt that I said this, these are just words. Be thankful... you could have actually been me----thats a reality that hurts for real and goes beyond a minor inconvenience of being offended.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
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