Tuesday, April 30, 2013
everyone was told that i got paid again, i was alerted through email that the other gorl pocketed probably another couple hundred dollars that was supposed to go to me if i had dwcided to avcept it, in case pf emergency.. now everyone is assuming i have funds to protect myself from the level of sabotage i just endured since being in prescott valley...now everyone thinks i have money when i havent had amy money at all in the five days ive been here....this is the billionth time they have pulled this shit where they give her money and say they gave it to me
Its very rare that I accept funds from any source at all unless in extreme emergencies.....I have had it with all of this blaming me for everything and then praising other women for saying they went through whati actually went through and then trying to pin their cruel transgressions on me.
As well as continuing to continue adding additional responsibilities to my overworked and traumatized brain not to mention denying me even the slightest bit of love from any source..
While a particular government agency prevents me from ever being saved from this kind of cruelty by everyone that attempts to get me out of it because they want me to kill myself..it happened again last night, I was threatened with arrest for attempting to get near someone that is above the was told tjat another woman was as usual responsible for all tjat i have been emduring meaning that thet thought she was the one enduring it, this agency has kept me in hell while using me for other females for a decade.
I have no more tolerance for theur constant need to use me and tjen try to use me for otherd....i have had all linds of people/agencies/organizations come in to try to save me from this cruelty only to be threatened with arrstar agency but within our wn government that was lied to and once again
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Got told to get a life again after traveling to another city to try and secure shelter as well as employment
Im so tired of being abused as people seem to have been given a licsence to do what ever they want to me as I am getting kicked out of shelters after only one night and right after disclosing to shelter directors that I'm trying to secure stability and employment (4 shelters have kicked me out making it appear on the outside world as if I had done something wrong when I haven't, they seem to be getting people to believe all this made up shit because I'm being kicked out for made up reason) I checked the Craigslist add under the forums section and.found out that they are as usual being mean spirited and calling me names like fat ass and Hooker and telling me to get a life when I've been trying to get one having to go from cityto city trying to find safe lodging which.obviously no one has any intention of allowing me......I HAVENT EVEN EATEN IN FOUR DAYS. AND MENTALLY IM TRAUMATIZED AMD CAM HARDLY COGNATE WHILE WOMEN ARE STILL FUCKING MEN ALL OVER MAKING EVERYONE BELIEVE IT WAS ME WHEN IT NEVER HAS BEEN..
BY THE WAY I've only looked in the Prescott section haven't even tried looking at flagstaff.
Laci Renee Issel
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
being harassed by staff at the shelter
They seem to be under the false precept that I am against a particular group of people, so they openly abuse me without even asking me what IM all about..
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
there are lots of typos because IM typing on my phone (NE was supposed to be Be, and Oman was supposed to be I'm, and chef.img was supposed to be checking) and IM not going back to the dark side DAD, IM just sick of everyone USING ME DAD While you don't offer your own flesh and blood daughter protection DAD so IM basically sick of you too DAD, don't worry MOM wants me to have a sex change for her and IM at the point where IM like fuck u both..
IM referring to my actual father no one else.
u can call my royal blue phone that was stolen from me so they could pass on my texts that I had on it as someone elses,and listen to my voice and what I have to say on my message...# is 702 239 3965.
Doesn't mean I wouldn't die for someone that actually loved Me but obviously most people have made a career out of hurting me because they think the more they hurt me the better their chances of "going" so why why would I die for any of them.
By the way do not continue concocting schemes to cash in on my trust find, if anyone ever says that IM excessively trying to contact them, THEY ARE LYING AS I AM EXTREMELY CAREFUL With peoples privacy and working environments.
They only people I contact repeatedly are actual family members.
I have someone in my life that gives false reports on me to the powers that be in order to continue siphoning money from my trust and the powers that be never check with me for the actual story. they seem to to believe whatever they are told, which would explain all the abuse I've gone through
...IM not positive as to why Joe turned his back on me, probably got lied to.
IM at a shelter this evening, cannot camp anymore because IM always being targeted for physical injury due to everyone lying about me. I spent seven years outside without the use of shelters so I don't exactly feel bad.
I didn't eat at the shelter but IM positive they will say I did because Oman always being used as sometimes pawn piece.....they are also saying "I came" since I've been in this new city for the last twenty four hours, I didn't but my question is why am I the one considered a pervert when they are the ones obsessed with my vaginal function. And by the way, I'll come whenever I want as I've never made some sort of agreement to not come for any particular group of people, there I go assuming shot again.....why don't you all read my profile on google www.accountable@gmail.com and in the profile section it says something along the lines of.
........Quit assuming anything about me at all because your just gonna end up disappointed as well as causing chaos that doesn't need to be there since u never bother chef,king with me.......by the way IM not a pervert and I didn't sleep with anyone last night or blow anyone
You shouldn't believe anyone at all when they say I've blown or have had sex because everyone has their own agenda when they use my presence for anything.
Monday, April 22, 2013
I feel upset at the moment and you can appologize all you want but I am getting tired of being targeted with actual domestic terrorism as well as physical injury when I have already lived through 45 attempts on my life, 35 beatings, 5 kidnappings and 5 rapes.....Making my fear of being targeted again after a confirmed account of one party's plans WRITTEN FOR THE WORLD TO SEE, about you is definitely not something that I have any respect for.........I have told people repeatedly, including family that i have been targeted and abused extensively only to be ignored and forced to endure it for a decade........Im livid at the moment that there is a detailed plan on MDJunction.com about how to continue to force me into predicaments and to continue terrorizing me for not adhering to their particular's groups ways of doing things.......I do not have to believe what you believe in nor do I have to live my life according to how yu live yours and I for damn shit am not required to but now explains why i have had to endure such unfair treatments while being separated on purpose from family and friends that I could relate to......They admit to altering facts and taking things away from me and this has been happening for a duration of a decade.......Im surprised I lived through everything only to be called a terrorist in the end when I was the one being terrorized........I AM NOT PREGNANT, NEVER CLAIMED TO BE PREGNANT, AM NOT A LESBIEN AS A MATTER OF FACT IM NOT EVEN BISEXUAL, I AM NOT A TERRORIST AND i WAS NEVER TRYING TO GET WITH CELINE DION'S HUSBAND RENE CHARLES (THERE ARE OTHER RENE'S IN THE WORLD AND ALTHOUGH I WISH TO NOT OFFEND CELINE DION OR HER HUSBAND I AM NOT SURE WHY EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE IS MADE TO LOOK SO REDICULOUS WHEN ACTUALLY I AM QUITE NORMAL...........I ALSO HAVE NEVER HAD AN ABORTION BUT DO SUPPORT A WOMANS RIGHT TO CHOOSE.......IM SICK OF BEING LIED ABOUT SO EXTENSIVELY THAT GROUPS OF PEOPLE PLAN WAYS TO HURT ME ON SOME OF THE SITES THAT i AM ON......MY BLOG ON MDJUNCTION.COM IS UNDER THE SIGN ON OF "LOSTANDSHUNNED" (ALL ONE WORD) THE ONE I FOUND THE PLAN TO HURT ME ON i WONT DISCLOSE BUT HAVE MADE A RECORD OF IT ELSEWHERE AS IT IS NEVER MY OBJECTIVE TO CREATE ADDITIONAL CHAOS THAT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THERE BUT i WILL SAY THAT IF i ENDURE ANYTHING THAT IS CRAZY OR ABNORMAL WHERE i AM HURT ON PURPOSE, I WILL DISCLOSE IT PUBLICALLY.........i'VE HAD IT WITH BEING PUT IN DANGER AND IM DONE GOING THROUGH ABUSE AS i HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO HURT SOMEONE EVER......THE SAD THING IS, AS USUAL, I WOULD HAVE LOVED THE INDIVIDUALS THAT WERE PLANNING TO HURT ME HAD I NOT FOUND OUT, NOW i LITTERALLY JUST FEEL NUMB AND EXTREMELY UPSET....
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
I am tired of having to abandon whatever place of temporary residence because you want my life and have to make me appear like a bad person for going to the only place of residence I have......Are you required to "move" everytime someone accuses you of something or lies about you? In fact are you even ever accused of anything at all or lied about just for going to your place of residence every night?
Nothing is forever you might as well quit trying to scare the world into your ultimatums......By the way I just got out of Jail (i was arrested friday 4/12/13 for walking through a parking lot angry) and its tuesday so sorry I didn't have access to a computer over the weekend to keep you updated so that you wouldn't make any rash decisions about my life when I had no access to a computer.
Still being treated like slave property where people seem to think everything about me is up for their approval.......Let me spell it out for you......I don't give a sh#t if you approve of me as most of you are not only abusive toward me but completely misinformed.....I heard that my cousin turned on me today (wonder why cuz let me tell you didn't ever turn on him even after the 90 separate assualts i endured for him) Anyway, everyone still seems to be under the impression that I Im either having sex (I haven't) or they are trying to "regulate" my orgasms (as if they are so plentiful in the first place due to everyone's obsession with my vaginal function I hardly ever get to even have sex with myself-Abusive in itself-let alone with an actual man because they have lied to every man on the face of the earth when it comes to me.....(they tell them I have diseases, they tell them my vagina smells when they've never been near it ever and it doesn't smell, they tell them I am a criminal, they tell them i that I want a sex change operation etcetera, basically anything to keep me celibate.........I have rented a hotel room for an entire week in a city that I don't particularly like but due to my economic situation I have no other option ($128 for one week is not something I can afford to pass up) but as usual they have already accused me of some other rediculous shit because they always have to make someone else look like some sort of Angel and are always attempting to make me look like I was trying to cut someone's head off when I don't even believe in that and I am so tired of dealing with the mentality where the name of a city that was named 80 years ago and not named by me, has anything to do with reality....but they will use my financial hardship and my need for affordable shelter to make another person look like they cared more for a group of people that I have been fearlessly protecting the entire time...............Im so tired of losing people because some piece of shit woman can not live her own life and wants to take over every portion of my existance, including people that I love.......in other words.......I'll be here in this god awefully named city for the next week because that is what I can afford since her type has been stealing from me consistantly for the last decade and I am fucking poor as a result of HER.......
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Do not treat me as if I should be greatful to you for anything as every portion of my existance you fucking credited to fucking fraudulent people that passed on circumstances that i went through as their own.......Remember that as you dote all over someone that is lying to you about what they've accomplished in life....Of course Im not referring to loving kind people that i have always appreciated them and their kindness....If your someone from my past that repeatedly left me to die out in the street, dont ever talk to me with such utter disrespect like you've just attempted to do, ever again
This goes out to everyone ive ever loved, cared about, begged for help from and got ignored, and those that thought my love for them wouldn't ever run out.
.....I dont need you....doesn't mean I don't love you it means I dont need you...i could care less if you approve of me or not because i just spent the last decade completely alone and beyond abused.........i wanted to include you in in my life, i wanted to love you but ive endured all the abuse im gonna deal with and that isnt an invitation to start demanding anything from me or being abusive toward me at all...
No one was ever there for me in the last126 months that shouldhave been,so watch how you treat me and the things you say to me because you are the ones that taught me how to not give a fuck about anything anymore....if you decide you dont want me what the fuck is it you think im losing? Im not the one losing anything, you are.
Youre losing somwone that tried to love u all unconditionally but you didnt want anypart of me loving you...
The only thing i lose are people that teeat me like a tumor on a good day and treat me like theirslave property on a bad day....
I loved you and probably could get those loving feelings back butdont continue to take m me and my love for you for granted.
.i dont mean to sound mean but seriously you are completelyout of touch with reality trwating me like i can not livewithout you because
you havent fucking been there in forever, get a grip...
My love for you was never in question, your love for me definitely is.
Laci Renee Issel 4/11/13
Someone once again trying to make me appear like im trying to do something bad to people
Getting more guilt trips as usual....some asshole is trying to start a war between me and nicole ritchie (i dont and havent ever had a fucking problem with her and dont need to be concentrating on high profile celebrities in regard to something that doesnt bring me happiness because im barely hanging on as it is menally....i need to concentrate on things that brimg me pleasure not pain because the last 126 months have primarily been filled with pain.......also the photo i said was haunting me wasnt haunting me because ive done anything wrong but because i practically have alzheimers at only 38 years old and have already been forgetting important things and people .....its frightning to not be able to rely on my own memory especially when it comes to people i love-that is why the picture haunts me because i cant imagine how aweful i would feel if i litterally forgot about someone i love.....but i do have some asshole that never stops trying to get people to hate me so he keeps making it seem like ive done harm to someone all the time..
Laci Renee Issel 4/11/13
Sunday, April 7, 2013
So here's what's happened in the last week
Got beat up twice in Kingman AZ by people that believe in fighting with braun over using their mental capacity to fight.......Went to another city and then with in the first 2 hours of being their was intentionally targeted to being run over with the second time being where the car actually hit me but he finally braked before totally obliterating me....Needless to say, I don't feel safe at all with these kinds of people in my life.....I just want them to fucking leave me alone.....In the new city I have people that continue behaving as if I dance like a man and jokes still about me having a sex change operation that wont ever be happening as well as offers of testosterone that are unwelcome as well as people lying and telling people that I don't know members of my own family because I have another selfish bitch in my life that seems to be living off every portion of my existance......I am once again being separated from my own peer group in order to get the selfish bitch "IN" with the popular crowd and make all my old friends and family members think that I was against them, Im not against them but I am not exactly happy with the fact that I am being left with abusive people that are allowed to fucking do this to me so Im thiking at this point that my family my be slightly contributing to my murder.....I basically hate the entire planet right now with the exception of the animals......as most of the people are just lying kniving pieces of shit.....People are practically almost killing me and getting away with it.......
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Someone rented me a hotel room because I have been attacked and beat up on the street two days ago.........This is not an "OK" situation....I am not writing this on behalf of someone else....It happened to me.......A car drove up when i was walking down the street in the other state that i have had to now go to after leaving Nevada and three girls jumped out of the car and began beating me up kneeing me in the head etcetera......I AM SO TIRED OF BEING ABUSED AND YOU MAKING IT APPEAR AS IF IT HAPPENED TO SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT HAS BEEN HAPPENINING TO ME ALL ALONG AND YOU HAVE BEEN CODDLING THE WRONG PERSON THAT IS BASICALLY A CON ARTIST..........IM NOT COMFORTABLE BEING ABUSED ALL THE FUCKING TIME AS THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME IN TWO WEEKS THAT I HAVE BEEN PHYSICALLY ATTACKED........I AM NOT IN CALIFORNIA.
Monday, April 1, 2013
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